The Personality Doctor, Personality Doctor, Liz Morris, Youth, Despair, Depression, Suicide, Bully, Frustration, Abortion, Drugs, Alcohol, I Am Free, I Am Healed, Youth Depression, Youth Suicide, Youth Bullying, Youth Abortion, Youth Drugs, Youth Alcohol, God, Jesus, Church, Youth Group, Youth Camps, Young Adult, Sex Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Millennials, teens, teenagers, dating, relationships, unforgiveness, Destiny, Destiny Identifiers, Spiritual Gifts


The third Destiny Identifier™ we will discuss is TEACHER.

6% of the population will score Teacher first. They are the mind of the body.

Teacher – a person who teaches or instructs, especially as a profession; instructor

Teacher does not mean that you will be in the profession of Teacher or Professor; however, many are because it is the gift of teaching others.

Teachers are very analytical and detailed. They tend to be very cautious in everything they do especially in making new friends. They usually only have one or two very close friends.

They are very bright and love to learn. They love research and discovering new things, but only if it interest them. Many people with the gift of teaching either go on to get advanced degrees, or, they never earn their degree at all, because they have so many varied interests they cannot focus on just one thing. However, they are the smartest out of all the Destiny Identifiers.

They love word studies and always validate the truth by checking out the facts.They tend to be more objective then subjective.

Teachers can get overwhelmed easily so they are careful about getting involved in too many things.  They tend to like to stay up late and have their alone time. They usually do not like crowds or parties unless they know the people and have an interest in going.

They are usually very respectful people and very loyal. As children, many are not as much into sports as they are music, theatre, acting, or reading a good book.

Teachers are very good at anything related to the computer and people with high teacher and the G-I-F-T personality "T", which we will discuss later, are usually the ones that call themselves, geeks.

They make very loyal mates, however, in this day and age; the men have to be careful not to spend so much time on the computer that they neglect their wife and family. Opposites usually attract, so they usually marry someone who is more outgoing and wants to be with them. They have to learn balance and compromise more than others. All Destiny Identifiers have a code they live by and the Teacher's code is the only one that is about themselves. It pertains to what they are interested in, so they have to be aware of going along with what others want sometimes over their wants.

Teachers are VERY self controlled and remain calm even in the most devastating of times. They are very introspective and usually hold their feelings in, unlike the Perceiver or Exhorter, who make sure they express how they feel. Teachers must learn to let things go and turn off their brains so they can sleep at night. It is harder for them to sleep because of their constant thinking.

They believer that truth itself has the power to produce change. They have very strong opinions and convictions based on their investigation of facts. They out of all theDestiny  Identifiers have a harder time with faith.

Examples of Servers are: Bill Gates, Jackie Kennedy, Albert Einstein, and Maya Angelou

Biblical examples are: Luke, Timothy, Lois and Eunice

To find out if you are a Server and learn more about yourself and your destiny, click here.



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