Personality – Destiny Identifier – Perceiver

The Personality Doctor

The Personality Doctor, Personality Doctor, Liz Morris, Youth, Despair, Depression, Suicide, Bully, Frustration, Abortion, Drugs, Alcohol, I Am Free, I Am Healed, Youth Depression, Youth Suicide, Youth Bullying, Youth Abortion, Youth Drugs, Youth Alcohol, God, Jesus, Church, Youth Group, Youth Camps, Young Adult, Sex Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Millennials, teens, teenagers, dating, relationships, unforgiveness, Destiny, Destiny Identifiers, Spiritual Gifts


The first Destiny Identifier™ we will discuss today is Perceiver.

12% of the population have this Destiny Identifier first. They are like the eyes of the body.

Perceiver – to recognize, discern, envision, or understand: to become aware of, know, or identify by means of the senses.

Individuals with the Destiny Identifier, Perceiver, will always act before they feel or think. They are risk takers and will willingly put themselves on the front line.

There are two Destiny Identifiers that operate out of extreme passion and the first one is Perceiver. Their passion is projects. They naturally get what needs to be done.

Perceivers are highly creative and have the ability to perceive people, situations and other's character. They are inspired speakers. They speak and are heard. They deliver warnings, exhortation, and instruction, judging and making manifest the secrets of the heart.

Perceivers are alert, bold, courageous, discerning, truthful and very integrious. They hate liars and people that try and deceive you. They perceive this in people very quickly.

Perceivers set high standards for themselves and everyone else. They see things as black and white with NO gray. They can identify good and evil very quickly and they tend to HATE evil.

They can boldly operate on spiritual principles and apply them to everyday life. They are very frank and outspoken and do not mince words. They are some of the most effective speakers. You will always pay attention to a perceiver.

They grieve deeply over the downfall of another person. They easily see a person’s blind spots as well as their own, and are eager to help someone see their blind spots so they can change.

They are very introspective and usually give great advice if they are moral. They have an opinion on just about everything and are not afraid to voice it. However, they are usually right about a situation and their advice always carries a ring of truth to it.

They have few friends but you would be wise to find a Perceive friend. They usually have impeccable morals if they are raised the right way and are in tune with God. Why? Because they desire to be obedient at all costs because they recognize the importance of it.

If they are not in tune with God they can be the most strong willed and hardheaded. They will challenge authority and as children if not taught obedience, their Destiny Identifier will remain polluted for the rest of their lives.

Perceivers are your entrepreneurs of the world and are great at starting things but not so good at finishing sometimes. They have to learn this trait. The strength of their personality is what makes them great leaders and many people will follow them if they are bent toward good. If they are not, they can be very caustic with their words and mean spirited.

They are masters of innovation and intuition. Ask a perceiver about a person or situation and you will usually get the right summation of the person or situation.

Perceivers are results-oriented and generally do not hold grudges or unforgiveness. They are honest, pioneering and forward thinking. They love to be in charge and are great at it.

Examples of Perceivers are: Donald Trump, General George Patton, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Rosa Parks.

Bibilical Examples are: John the Baptist, Peter, Deborah, Anna

To find out if you are a Perceiver or to learn more about yourself, click this link and take the Destiny Identifier profile.



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