Destiny Identifiers – What Are They?

Spiritual Gifts

The Personality Doctor, Personality Doctor, Liz Morris, Youth, Despair, Depression, Suicide, Bully, Frustration, Abortion, Drugs, Alcohol, I Am Free, I Am Healed, Youth Depression, Youth Suicide, Youth Bullying, Youth Abortion, Youth Drugs, Youth Alcohol, God, Jesus, Church, Youth Group, Youth Camps, Young Adult, Sex Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Millennials, teens, teenagers, dating, relationships, unforgiveness, Destiny, Destiny Identifiers, Spiritual Gifts


Did you know there are spiritual gifts you are born with that affect your destiny?

Has anyone ever told you these gifts which are called, DESTINY IDENTIFIERS™ impact everything you do?

They affect your purpose, your relationships, your communication with others, even your child rearing and marriage. They affect how you give love and receive it.

They affect how you manage people at work and how you perceive being managed.

They affect how you learn, study, and perceive life in general.

They affect whether you are a natural entrepreneur, or, if you rather run an existing company as CEO.

They tell you whether you are good with your hands and rather be a mechanic or hair stylist.

 They tell you if you are better suited for accounting or engineering.

They even tell you how you will most likely act in a volatile, stressful situation.

Your Destiny Identifiers™ have everything to do with your reason for being on this planet and yet the majority of people have not a clue to what they are.

There are seven Destiny Identifiers™. They are divided into three categories. Two of them are action, two of them are emotive, and three of them are cognitive. This simply means that you live your life from one, or, two of these categories completely.

Here are the names of the Destiny Identifiers in order of their three categories: Perceiver, Server, then, Exhorter, Mercy and lastly, Giver, Teacher, Developer.

Over the next few weeks as we go through what they all mean to you, life will begin to make much more sense. You will begin to understand your husband better, your children, and your co-workers.

If you want to take the Destiny Identifier Profile, click here to begin.

The information will open your eyes enormously.



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