Personality – Destiny Identifier – Are You an Exhorter?

Are You an Exhorter?

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The fourth Destiny Identifier™ we will discuss today is Exhorter

16% of the population score Exhorter first. They are the mouth of the body.

Exhorter – to give urgent advice, recommendations, or cautions and warnings, to urge, advise, or caution earnestly; admonish urgently. To urge or persuade earnestly; advise strongly

Exhorters are people, people. They love to be around people, doing things with people or for them. They are the life of the party and love to have fun. They are highly creative, enthusiastic and are very persuasive.

They love to encourage others to live up to their full potential. They want everyone to have a full meaningful life. Their greatest joy is being an instrument to help another person live victoriously.

They like interaction with those they teach. They are very observant as they watch for reactions on people’s faces and analyze body language. That is why they make great salespeople and evangelists. The most frustrating thing for an exhorter is to share something of value and then find out the person wasn’t listening or paying attention.

They are great at prescribing steps of action to aid in personal growth.  They know how to instruct a person to get from A to Z in the best possible way.

They like to win with flair and love competition. They are always for the underdog. They make the unpopular feel popular. They are fluent in communication and as children usually talk a lot. Let them as this is their most treasured gift.

Exhorters view trials as personal growth. They also accept people without judging them. They are usually well liked because of their positive attitude. They are masters of reconciliation because they hate strained relationships.

They have great zeal for life and embrace change and spontaneity.  They hardly ever look back on things and are very future oriented. They are great at influencing and like the Teacher love to learn. However their learning is so they can improve themselves and then give you steps on how to improve.

Exhorters spend a considerable amount of time changing themselves to become a better person. They are very transparent people and don’t mind telling you about their hardships if it will help you not have to go through what they did. They expect a lot of self and others. They always complete what they start and make decisions quickly.

They hate conflict and want to clear it up quickly. They also like a sounding board to bounce off their ideas.

Examples of Exhorters are: Ronald Reagan, Joan of Arc, Billy Graham, and Louisa May Alcott  

Biblical examples are: Paul, Barnabas, Esther and Joseph

To find out if you are a Server and learn more about yourself and your destiny, click here.



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