Personality – Destiny Identifier – Server

Are You A Server?

Destiny Identifier Profile, The Personality Doctor, Personality Doctor, Liz Morris, Youth, Despair, Depression, Suicide, Bully, Frustration, Abortion, Drugs, Alcohol, I Am Free, I Am Healed, Youth Depression, Youth Suicide, Youth Bullying, Youth Abortion, Youth Drugs, Youth Alcohol, God, Jesus, Church, Youth Group, Youth Camps, Young Adult, Sex Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Millennials, teens, teenagers, dating, relationships, unforgiveness, Destiny, Destiny Identifiers, Spiritual Gifts


The Second Destiny Identifier we will discuss today is SERVER.

17% of the population score this identifier first. They are the hands of the body.

Server – a person in the service of another; an act of helpful activity; help;aid.

Server, like Perceiver's lead with action first. They like their name love to serve others. They love movement and hardly ever stop and sit down.

Where a Perceiver loves to start things, a Server loves to complete things. They wake up every morning with their list of to do's in their head and cannot wait  to write them down, then cross them off the list.

They are very dependable people and have the abilitiy to see a need and then fill it. They are great with their hands and many of them like professions using their hands.

They also like you to be grateful for the work they do for you. A simple thank you goes a long way with a server. However, if married to a Server, it is important that you help with the chores as well. They will usually have a long list of things they need you to get done. Children of servers sually never end up lazy. The Server will make sure of that.

Servers are very attentive, diligent, obedient, orderly, punctual and trustworthy. They are usually at work on time and you rarely have to tell them what to do to get started. They typically are asking you what needs to get done first.

Servers pay attention to detail and like short range goals. They are good at repetitive tasks and have a high energy level. If you are at a party they will be the last ones in the kitchen or room helping the host clean up.

They usually keep everything in meticuloue order and have a good memory. They do have a hard time saying no for requests for help.

They enjoy showing hospitatility and meeting others need before their own. They tend to show you love through their actions more so than their words.

Typically servers do not want to lead others or projects. They rather follow. God made them that way. If leadership is forced on them they get frustrated. They also do not like to be singled out even if you are bragging on them. They rather you come to them one on one and pay the compliment then. But they love supporting others in leadership positions, this is their top priority in life, serving others.

They tend to be perfectionists and cannot stand to be around clutter or messiness. They prefer doing a job over delegating it therefore, they can wear themselves out. Their biggest need is learning to sit down and relax.

Servers make great friends becasue they are always there to help you out. However, they must realize that not everyone was gifted to always be moving and doing things, so just becasue they don't, does not mean they are lazy. remember there are only two action identifiers, but thank goodness a large majority of the population are Servers and Perceivers, or, things might not ever get done on time or even started to begin with.

Examples of Servers are: Walt Disney, Jimmy Carter, Martha Stewart

Bibilical examples are: Moses, Martha, Timothy,  and Phoebe

To find out if you are a Server and learn more about yourself and your destiny, click here.




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