Personality – Destiny Identifier – Are you a Developer?

AreyYou a Developer


The Sixth Destiny Identifier we will discuss today is Developer. They are the shoulders of the body.

13% of the population score Developer as their first Destiny Identifier.

Developer – A person, who develops or innovates, manages or has a talent for managing.

Developers have a natural bent towards leadership. However, they will not push to be in charge.

Nearly 70% of CEO's of existing companies score Developer as their top identifier. Entrepreneurs usually score Perceiver as their top identifier.

They are decisive, discreet, patient for the plan, responsible and strive for excellence. They are also very tolerant.

They love to have a plan and typically follow their plan. They more often than the others will set goals for themselves. They are pretty self-disciplined. They like advocacy and concurrence, but not yes men.

They like to organize that which they are responsible for and love a challenge. They have a natural motivation to take raw materials and people and produce something that has never been before.

They have the ability to express ideas and organization very clearly. They see the big picture and know what it takes to get there.

They enjoy working on long range goals and projects and usually have a very broad perspective. They are quite visionary.

They love to delegate tasks and supervise people. They easily facilitate resources and people to accomplish their goals.

They can endure criticism in order to accomplish the ultimate task and typically have tremendous zeal for whatever they are involved in.

They are willing to let others get the credit in order to get the job done. They are constantly writing noted to self. They enjoy working around other people but hate doing repetitive task or anything routine.

They have an uncanny ability to know when old methods are working and when to introduce new one instead. And they thrive on getting things completed as quickly as possible.

As women, they typically do not like housework as their focus tends to be on other projects.

Developers always count the cost before proceeding in anything.

Examples of Developers are: Warren Buffet, Colin Powell, Margaret Thatcher, and Julia Child

Biblical examples are: Joseph, Lydia, Nehemiah

To find out if you are a Server and learn more about yourself and your destiny, click here.




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