Sponsor Us

Destiny Day™ Workshops for Teens and Young Adults

Where Everyone Deserves the Chance to Succeed

The Personality Doctor, Personality Doctor, Liz Morris, Youth, Despair, Depression, Suicide, Bully, Frustration, Abortion, Drugs, Alcohol, I Am Free, I Am Healed, Youth Depression, Youth Suicide, Youth Bullying, Youth Abortion, Youth Drugs, Youth Alcohol, God, Jesus, Church, Youth Group, Youth Camps, Young Adult, Sex Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Millennials, teens, teenagers, dating, relationships, unforgiveness, Destiny, Destiny Identifiers, Spiritual Gifts

Creating Sponsor Partnerships with Purpose

We believe that, working with others, we can do more than anyone can do on their own. The best way to unlock human potential is through the power of creative cooperation. – See more at: https://www.clintonfoundation.org/our-work/by-topic/girls-and-women#sthash.Ua7xFhMN.dpuf

We believe that, working with others, we can do more than anyone can do on their own. The best way to unlock human potential is through the power of creative cooperation. The Greatest Good is Helping People Live Their Best Life Story!

734134993_BA7nw-M-1 We work directly with High Schools, Colleges and Youth Non-Profits to make a difference in the life of every teenager we come in contact with, immediately!

As a sponsor you too, will be part of giving direction to young people that sets them on a course for success with our Destiny Day workshops, assessments, multiple programs and products.

When you become a sponsor you are helping us prevent thousands of teens from possibly committing suicide and homicide, and from becoming a victim of teen pregnancy, stimulant addiction, depression, prostitution and sex-trafficking.

Without sponsors we can’t deliver our programs to all high schools and universities. Black Students

We’re all in this together – all committed to helping people realize their full potential.

Join us in building a better world by joining our community, sharing our progress, and learning about the many ways you can be part of our work.

We create partnerships with great purpose to create solutions that last.

Will you join us?

The Personality Doctor, Personality Doctor, Liz Morris, Youth, Despair, Depression, Suicide, Bully, Frustration, Abortion, Drugs, Alcohol, I Am Free, I Am Healed, Youth Depression, Youth Suicide, Youth Bullying, Youth Abortion, Youth Drugs, Youth Alcohol, Sponsor

Even though multiple cities and our federal government are taking steps to prevent the massive teen problems, such as depression, suicide, and teen violence, we are still at epidemic proportions with this millennial generation.

Click here and Donate to Help Us Save Lives!

Donate - Liz Morris The Personality Doctor

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