How to Get Freedom From Yourself and Others

You Can be Set Free

The Personality Doctor, Personality Doctor, Liz Morris, Youth, Despair, Depression, Suicide, Bully, Frustration, Abortion, Drugs, Alcohol, I Am Free, I Am Healed, Youth Depression, Youth Suicide, Youth Bullying, Youth Abortion, Youth Drugs, Youth Alcohol, God, Jesus, Church, Youth Group, Youth Camps, Young Adult, Sex Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Millennials, teens, teenagers, dating, relationships, unforgiveness, Destiny, Destiny Identifiers, Spiritual Gifts, Breaking News, Fox, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Discovery Channel, FaceBook, Face Book, Twitter, Linked In, Instagram, Snap Chat, video production, sales techniques, leadship academy, boot camp, young life, Younglife, CRU, Gateway Church, YouTube, raising small children, raising teenagers, center for spiritual development, powertalk productions, spiritual, spiritual healing,  end times, spectator


FREEDOM – Freedom from oppression or coercion, the absence of disabling conditions for an individual and the fulfillment of enabling conditions, or the absence of life conditions of compulsion. Wikipedia

Many people are living a life trapped by addictions, unforgiveness, sexual abuse, controlling spouses, uncontrollable thoughts, the inability to sleep and countless other issues that bind them. Frozen in time by the enemy of their soul.

Trapped, hopeless, and feeling like nothing will ever change. Fearful and worried by anxiety, or, dreadful and sad by depression. Whatever the case, they are bound. No peace.

Freedom always comes with a price. The United States of America paid a heavy price to obtain their freedom. Jesus paid a heavy price to give us ours. Yet somehow throughout the years we tend to forget the price that was paid. Instead we grumble and complain that we are owed more then we deserve as U.S. citizens. We expect others to take care of us instead of finding our own potential and living it out. We began to bind ourselves to slavery just without the physical chains.

On a personal level we open the door to the enemy. After one mistake it then becomes a choice. Never forget that!

We decide to forget the price that was paid for us and selfishly live our lives like we want to. No rules, self endulgence. We are selfish instead of selfless and we demand from others instead of giving to others. We thrive on darkness and bad behavior therefore allowing our enemy to take complete control.

Things We Are Bound By

Once we are bound, whether by insecurity, fear, jealousy, pride, the love of money, envy, porn, drugs, lust, sickness, disease, no motivation, anger, selfishness, cigarettes, vape, witchcraft, idol worship, rebellion, alcohol, course jesting, sarcasm, rudeness, greed, power, control, over-eating or whatever else the devil has to offer us – WE LOSE. Why, we can't get set free. We have not a clue it is all spritual. We refuse to accept. We have no eternal perspective at all.

The chains are locked in place and very few find the key to escape. For some of us it all started with just one mistake. For others it was because of our poor choices trying to please ourselves, fit in with the crowd, look cool, or, just from plain stupidity.

Whatever your case may be – there is hope, but it is spiritual. You can get set free. But like anything else you have to make a decision and then follow the instruction manual. The devil will not give up without a fight. He hates you and wants to kill, steal and destroy you. Period. Whether you believe it or not. He is hoping you don’t believe it, then he can keep you bound.

We are offering individual Destiny Day’s this summer in Dallas, Texas to help Millennials find their purpose and get set free from their strongholds. Tell a freind now.

Click here to learn more.


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